This event will be hosted at Sebastian's church (Glory & Peace Church Intl) in the North End! Main St & Church Ave
Join us for another evening of board game adventure!
We will have lots of games going on, a mix of shorter and longer games. Sebastian is hosting, so many varieties of Catan are guaranteed ;) Bring your own games or join in on any games that interest you. All experience levels are welcome!
This event is free; though we welcome any snacks/drinks! *Do mind, no kitchen access (like sinks/fridge) at this location*
PARKING: Available on Main St in front, and Church Ave on the side. Church's own parking lot will be opened at 30+ signups. Parking also available on the MPI next door if needed (they don't mind on weekends).
BUILDING ACCESS: Will be through the OPAQUE doors, which lead to the banquet hall (there will be a sign). Not the main doors, which are clear!
4:00pm - Games begin.
11:00pm - Games wrap up.
Also added a pic so new folks can get an idea what to expect on the inside :). Though the bouncy castle you see in the background has been packed away for winter.