Bu sene DevOpsDays İstanbul ve Ankara olarak sağlık riskini göz önünde alarak etkinliğimizi online ortamda yapma kararı aldık.
Etkinliğimiz Youtube üzerinden canlı yayınlacak olup, bu etkinlik üzerinden kayıt olan kişiler ile ilgili link paylaşılacaktır.
Konuşma ve program detayları çok yakında burada ve https://devopsdays.istanbul websitemizde paylaşılacaktır..
Organizer sponsor:
DevOps Turkey - https://kommunity.com/devops-turkiye
Cloud and Serverless Turkey - https://kommunity.com/cloud-and-serverless-turkey
DevOpsDays is a technical conference, aimed at developers, sysadmins and anyone else involved in technology, whether expert or beginner. The person behind the idea of DevOps is Patrick Debois, who came up with this method of improving the code and cooperation.
The term "DevOps" was popularized thanks to a series of "DevOpsDays" conferences. The first edition of this Conference was held in Belgium in 2009. Since then, DevOpsDays conferences have spread across the globe. All conferences run on a similar formula and are divided into three elements.
Canlı yayın -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oazK9gHpmWE
Devopdays websitesi -> devopsdays.istanbul
Discord -> https://discord.gg/h7kGvjw