Konusmacilarimiz Muhammed Salih Guler ve Emrah Samdan ile AWS uzerinde Amplify ile mobil gelistirme ve cloud dunyasinin yeni trendi Infrastructure From Code'u konusuyoruz. Herkesi 8 Subat 2023 saat 19:00'da Ankara Tekmer'e bekliyoruz.
19:00 - Muhammed Salih Guler, AWS Amplify: The hero that your mobile app needs and deserves
19:45 - Snacks and Networking
20:00 - Emrah Samdan, Infrastructure From Code: Logical evolution of cloud
Muhammed Salih Guler
Salih is a Berlin based Senior Developer Advocate at AWS who is also a Google Developer Expert for Flutter and Dart. He likes sharing his knowledge with the people by mentoring aspiring developers, blogging and talking at conferences.
When you develop mobile applications, there is a high chance that you might need a backend. But even though this is a need, if you do not have the experience, you won’t be able to create a backend to have your application up and running. Luckily, there is AWS Amplify to help you out. AWS Amplify is a set of tools that is provided for frontend engineers to leverage AWS technologies without needing to have cloud experience. It gives you an abstraction layer over the AWS technologies that you love and provide additional tools to make your life easier.
In this talk you will learn about AWS Amplify, the tools that it provides to you and how you can create an Android application works as a Hashtag generator.
Emrah Samdan
Emrah is the AWS Serverless Hero, obsessed with developer experience and observability. He's the co-founder and Head of Product at Ampt, where he can live up to his obsessions. He is a community-organizer who organized AWS Community Day Turkey, Serverless Days Istanbul and ServerlessDays Virtual.
Serverless was, and continues to be, the promise of making it easier to construct scalable cloud applications. Let's be honest, things didn't quite turn out that way. The fragmentation of the cloud resources resulted in a steep learning curve and made it difficult to achieve developer productivity by employing best practices. "Infrastructure FROM Code" is the next logical step in cloud evolution. Infrastructure from code is a novel, configuration-free technique that automatically deploys, configures, and optimizes infrastructure to meet your workloads by interpreting application code. Let's take a look at these tools and see how they can help us build better and faster serverless applications.
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Sufle - https://www.sufle.io/
BestCloudForMe- https://bestcloudfor.me/
Kloia - https://www.kloia.com/
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