Serverless Mindset and Serverless Data Analytics - ONLINE!

Corona virüs dolayısı ile sizlerin sağlığını da tehlikeye atmamak adına etkinliğimiz online olarak gerçekleşecektir!

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Getir'in Lead Devops Engineer'ı Salih Emre Sert ve Research & Development Lead'i Azmi Mengü'den Serverless pratikleri dinleyeceğiz.


Salih Emre Sert - Lead DevOps Engineer @Getir

Talk Title: Introduction to Serverless Mindset

Description: Serverless is all the hype these days. In this presentation we will try to answer questions such as, "How did the term serverless was born?", "Is it possible to do Serverless on premise?, "Did serverless exist before Lambda?", "How should we approach to serverless?"

Azmi Mengü - Research & Development Lead @Getir

Talk title: Serverless Data Analytics

Description: As we all know to build a better data pipeline and doing analytics on big data is a hard challenge in growing companies. We are going to describe how you should build your own
data analytics stack on distributed systems with a demo using AWS Glue, Athena & QuickSight with our production experience.


19:30 - Serverless Mindset - Salih Emre Sert
20:00 - Serverless Data Analytics - Azmi Mengü

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Thursday, March 12, 2020
15:30 - 18:30
Cloud Türkiye