Chicago Power BI User Group - Optimizing & Refining Power BI with Tabular Editor

The Chicago Power BI User Group has been having such a wonderful time with the Brew City Power Platform Group that we are teaming up again! This time we are doing less talking and more showing!

What part of your Power BI build process is auditing the quality of your dataset? Your numbers may be correct, visuals are nice, but do you know why certain metrics, queries run slow? Are you set up to be scalable and change? If you have a bloated report, how do you identify where and what the causes are?

That is where two amazing tools come into play: The Best Practice Analyzer in Tabular Editor and the VertiPaq Analyzer available in multiple applications. Whether you have never heard of these tools or just dabbled, understanding the power and impact using these tools on your datasets will change how you build reports.

The Best Practice Analyzer is pre-built into Tabular Editor which returns a complete list of modeling best practices and anywhere in your model that you can improve based on industry best practices. From DAX Expression to Performance tips, BPA runs through your entire model and even can return automated scripts for you.

VertiPaq Analyzer is a free tool available in Tabular Editor 3, Excel, and DAX Studio that will show you all of the DMV and Metadata information of you model, showing you what columns, tables, and relationships take up the most dictionary and data size in your report.

Together, these two amazing tools offer your models the refinement and optimization needed to ensure your reports are running as optimal as possible and help you cut out any bloat.

Join us as we uncover these two amazing tools. As always, join us on the YouTube Live Stream for the first half of the meeting and join us to ask any questions and network with the community on Teams in the second half of the meeting.

- Intros (Power BI Updates)
- Why Data Model Refinement and Optimization is Imperative
- Introducing Best Practice Analyzer and VertiPaq Analyzer
- Showing How they work
- Network / Join the conversation on Teams

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021
23:00 - 21:00