![Chicago Power BI User Group: Promoting & Governing Power BI in Your Organization](https://media.kommunity.com/communities/chicagolandpowerbi/events/267689597-8abd4849/26689/highres_486951195.jpeg?p=event-640)
We are kicking off the new year focusing on an essential component of using Power BI in your organization - successfully adopting and governing Power BI.
No matter how great or professional a Power BI report is, if your users do not know how to use, find, or understand the data, reporting becomes isolated to the author of the report. The ability to empower users to trust, navigate, and act on the data in your reports is what any report author should be seeking.
We will dive into what makes up the "framework" of promoting and adopting Power BI, no matter if your company is 5 or 50,000. Our meeting will cover essential items of an Adoption Project Plan, creating roles and responsibilities for your team, and actionable templates for you to implement on.
We will also cover strategies for managing content and organizing workspaces, and support plans as well as education / training for users.
1. Documentation strategies
2. Governance and Trust
3. Promotion and Adoption
4. Support Strategies
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