19:00 - Doors open
19:30 - Talk
20:30 - Raffles, and announcements
20:45 - Social, drinks and food (definitely not pizza)

Talk: Taming a beast - Adopting Continuous Delivery in a large, legacy monolith

Deploying your application whenever you want is easy. Everyone does it nowadays. And that works great when you have a small group of people responsible for an application. But what if you have several teams working on the same application? What if you have almost 80 people committing more than 30 times a day? Can you face the challenge of deploying that application as often as you wish and succeed in keeping it stable? In this talk we will walk the journey from a conservative four week release cycle to full autonomy. What are the challenges you will face and how to tackled them.
Speaker: Mike Chernev

Mike is a software engineer at, the largest retail platform in the Netherlands. He fights the impossible during the day and writes code during the night. When he is not working, you can find him coding on one of his side projects or enjoying a drink with friends.

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Thursday, April 19, 2018
17:00 - 20:00
Naritaweg 131-133, Amsterdam, Netherlands