ferhat yeşilyurt going an event
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt going an event
AWS re:Invent recap with the Cloud & Serverless Turkey team!
ferhat yeşilyurt going an event
S4E13 - Sistem ve Terminal Yetenekleri ile Linux'u Tanıyalım
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt followed
ferhat yeşilyurt going an event
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity
ferhat yeşilyurt joined a kommunity