CTO & Developer @SambaPOS Metalhead (Still) F&B / Retail / Fintech
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
ABP Community Talks 2024.6: Building Modular Monolith Applications
Vehbi Emiroğlu bought a ticket to
Vehbi Emiroğlu joined a kommunity
Vehbi Emiroğlu joined a kommunity
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
Vehbi Emiroğlu going an event
State of Developer Community and Open Source in Turkey - Ali Ok
Vehbi Emiroğlu created an event
Yapay Zekânın Yazılım Geliştirme Süreçlerine ve Yazılım Ekiplerine Etkisi
Vehbi Emiroğlu followed
Vehbi Emiroğlu joined a kommunity