Our May meetup features pizza and PHP, which is, as insiders know, one of the best combinations in the history of alliterative associations. Next to that one, of course. ;)

We'll be talking about classic traps in PHP. 010PHP regular Damien Seguy has assembled a top 10 and will be discussing this with us:

PHP has its own treasure chest of classic mistakes that surprises even the most seasoned expert: code that dies just by changing its namespace, strpos() that fails to find strings or arrays that change without touching them. Does that get on your nerves too? Let’s make a list of them, so we can always teach them to the new guys, spot them during code reviews and kick them out of our code once and for all. Come on, you’re not frightening us?

We're graciously hosted by Level Level, who are a leading WordPress agency from the Netherlands:

"With a multidisciplinary team of professionals we design and develop large-scale websites and offer consultancy services to enterprise clients. We help brands connect to their customers by creating outstanding websites and applications that offer the best user experience on any device."

We're welcome from 7pm, with the talk starting around 8.

See you then!

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