SearchStax Search Personalization + Microsoft Teams with Sitecore

September 7th, 2021


  • 6:00 PM – 6:10 PM (Intro)
  • 6:10 PM – 6:55 PM (Personalizing Sitecore search experience using SearchStax - by Hugo Santos and Sameer Maggon)
  • 6:55 PM – 7:40 PM (Sitecore + Microsoft Teams: Accelerating remote collaboration across your digital eco-system - by Subramanian Ramanathan)


Virtual Meeting. 



  • Rodrigo Peplau
  • +55 (48) 99153-3301


SESSION 1 - Personalizing Sitecore search experience using SearchStax (45 mins)

Everybody knows how to offer personalized content using Sitecore personalization. But what about personalized Search Experiences? During this talk, Hugo Santos and Sameer Maggon show how to leverage SearchStax capabilities to perform this.

About the Speaker: Hugo Santos (@hsantos_x) is a Sitecore MVP and Search expert. He has been working with Microsoft technologies for almost a decade and with Sitecore since 2014. He is currently the head of the Search Practice at Konabos, and he also acts as Solution Architect in a few projects.



SESSION 2 - Sitecore + Microsoft Teams: Accelerating remote collaboration across your digital eco-system (45 mins)

The global shift to remote working poses a wide variety of challenges, from inevitable delays in content deliveries, communication transparency, to traceability, quality, efficiency etc. Sitecore+Teams module connects teams in the new virtual workspace with its rich instant notifications, actions & valuable insights. This session covers its capabilities & best practices in automated communication with Sitecore, who, what, why, how often etc. to keep the balance between noise & useful information.


About the Speaker: As a Director of Solution Architecture & Delivery in Altudo, Subbu has designed and delivered many complex multi-geography projects involving Enterprise CMS like Sitecore, Sitefinity, and Azure, AWS, DevOps, Specflow(Selenium), RPA, etc. With a strong commitment to customer success, he ensures the right solutions for the client's digital challenges leveraging Human-centric Design Thinking principles.

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START DATE Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Wednesday, September 8, 2021