Indie Hackers London
Indie Hackers London

This group is for entrepreneurs, founders, side hustlers, and business owners to discuss business strategy and growth. There is a strong emphasis on scalable digital marketing, revenue-generating businesses (typically SaaS and product business models), and bootstrapping. It's for people who already have businesses and goods, as well as those who want to establish a business or side hobby.


Our meetups are designed for you to share your experiences, provide and receive feedback, and encourage one another.


What makes someone an indie hacker?


If you've set out to create money on your own, you're an indie hacker. That is, you generate revenue directly from your clients rather than indirectly through an employer. Aside from that, there are no requirements!


Indie hackers are frequently solo founders, software engineers, and bootstrapped, but it's perfectly OK if you have cofounders, can't code, and have received funds.






Topluluk Davranış Kuralları (EN)

Bütün üyeler aşağıdaki davranış ilkelerine uymakla yükümlüdürler. Topluluğun tüm üyelerinin her bir etkinlikte bu davranış ilkelerini organizatörler yardımıyla uygulamaları beklenmektedir. Herkese güvenli bir ortam sağlamak amacıyla topluluktaki bütün katılımcılardan iş birliği beklemekteyiz.