Ill Basketball
Ill Basketball

What is Ill Basketball?

Since 2011 we've been in the improvement business. We aim to help student-athletes improve holistically by developing skills, athleticism, and character simultaneously.


Our online community is for aspiring Playmakers that want to excel on and off the court, and for the parents of those players. We want this community to be a source of education, inspiration, and knowledge.


Learn more about us at our main website.


Who are our Members?

You may see a 6th grader who just wants to make any team in 7th grade. You may see a 10th grader that's a little behind skill-wise, and all they want to do is close the gap. You might even see an 11th grader that's already committed to play college ball. The best part about this community is that it's welcoming to players at various stages of their basketball journey.


On the parent side, you may see a Mom that barely knows why she's even in the community; all she knows is that her child said, 'Coach said to do it.'. You may see a Dad that's looking for a few tips on what it takes to get his son closer to full potential. Yet, on the other end of the spectrum, you may see a parent that knows very little about basketball and simply wants to tell us, 'I have no idea where to start, can you help?'. If you're a parent, no matter what's happening, this community will be able to point you, and your favorite basketball player, in the right direction.


Community Guidelines

  • Keep it PG, PG13 on a wild day
  • Use comments and replies to keep like-posts together
  • Ask a Moderator for help if you need it
  • Don't self-promote or promote other brands (run it by us first, maybe we can collaborate!)
  • No discrimination or explicit content


What we Love to See

  • Posts about your successes and achievements so we can celebrate with you
  • Posts about your struggles so we can support and inspire you
  • Interesting findings that you'd like to share with the community
  • Your questions to the community, the more specific the better
  • Your suggestions and ideas for Ill Basketball
  • Your support for each other


When posting, think about what value you create for the other members. Help to facilitate interesting and deep discussions.


What’s the best way to contact us?

Feel free to reach out to us at We'd be happy to answer your questions!


What is this thing we're on?

Our platform is powered by Kommunity, a safe and secure platform for online communities.

We're happy you joined the Ill Basketball online community!