What are Q&A forms and how can I use them?

Our main objective as a platform is to provide our users everything they need to organize events and form kommunities. Those two topics are complicated to deal with on their own and to deal with the requirements of organizing an event or creating a kommunity a lot of needs emerge such as communication tools, registration forms, etc.

Our Q&A forms come to your aid at this point. Monitoring your attendees or members is easier than ever.

In which scenarios you can use forms?

You can use Q&A forms for your events.

If you are organizing an event that requires certain criteria from attendees or you may simply want to collect some data you can create questions for your attendees.

For further information on Q&A for events, you can visit " How to create questions for event attendees

You can use Q&A forms for kommunities.

If you want more information about who wants to join your kommunity, you can use this feature to get to know them better. That helps you to micro-manage your members and shape your kommunity more effectively.

For further information on Q&A for events you can visit " How to ask questions to members who want to join your kommunity"