How to share ‘’Talks’’

Some of the main purposes of the are encouraging people to share, making information more accessible and facilitating interaction. One of the most influential ways of sharing in the Kommunity is "Talks". ‘’Talks’’ allows you to share the visual resources you have on various topics with your community and followers. If you are ready, let’s start!

To share talks:

1 - Go to your personal Kommunity profile

2 - Click on ‘’Talks’’ section right next to activities

3 - Click on either of two ‘’Add new talk’’ button that you’ll see at the right and the bottom of the page

2 - Fill in the details of your talk

3 - Add the Youtube URL of your video or upload your slideshow

4 - Fill in the details about your presenter, if you presented your talk in one or multiple events, you can add them below

That’s all you have to do, hit ‘’Publish now’’ and upload your talk.

Talks are a great way to engage with your audience and spread your knowledge. Sharing your knowledge on our platform will make us extremely happy. We thank you for your participation.