How to make your profile public or private

As Kommunity, we deeply respect our users' privacy. In that regard we gave our users the option to change their profile visibility.

In order to change your profile visibility you must have created an account first.


You can reach your profile settings from user menu or hitting "edit my profile" button on your profile page

On your settings page you'll see your profile visibility status in the "Privacy and Safety" section.Simply choose "Public" or "Private"* according to your preference.


1- Go to your "Profile" tab
2- Tap on "Edit profile" on the top right
On your settings page you'll see your profile visibility status in the privacy section
3- Turn on "Private profile" if you want to make your visibility private, turn off if you want to make your visibility public

* If you make your profile public, anyone can see your profile details, if you make your profile private, only your followers can see it.

Lastly, hit "Save Changes" before leaving the page and continue enjoying Kommunity!