How can I change my kommunity's content visibility

Kommunities have two visibility settings: Public or Private 

Public kommunities' content is visible to everyone, private kommunities' content is visible to only their members.

To change your content visibility:

1- Go to your kommunity's page

2- Click on the gear icon and click "Kommunity settings"

3- On your settings page you'll see the "Privacy and Safety" section, you can change your content visibility here.

If you create a private kommunity or convert your public kommunity to be private, you can't change your kommunity to back to public.**

**The reason why we don't allow converting private kommunities to the public is that we respect our users' privacy. Public and private kommunity have different visibility to non-users and search engines. A member of a private kommunity may not feel comfortable sharing their information with other parties. You can also check our privacy policy for further information.

You can also create questions for users who want to join your kommunity

Don't forget to save your changes before leaving the page.