How to ask questions to members who want to join your kommunity

As a kommunity leader, you have the option to ask questions to people who want to join your kommunity. 

In order to create join request questions, you should have created a kommunity first

To create your questions:

1- Go to your kommunity’s page
2- Go to your “Kommunity settings”
3-  On your settings page, find your “Privacy and Safety” section

In this section you’ll see an “Ask questions before join” area where you can create and manage your questions. 

4- Hit “Manage Questions” 

You’ll be directed to a panel where you can create your questions, choose the format of the answers

On this page, you can also see join requests of people and their answers to the questions you’ve created. 

That's all you have to do! Now you can monitor your members while forming your kommunity.