How to create questions for event attendees

If you are organizing an event that requires some special occasions, you may want to manage the participation of people who want to come to your event based on certain criteria.

The ‘’Questions’’ feature comes into play right at this point. With this feature, you can easily ask questions and make surveys to people who want to attend your event.

To use ‘’Questions’’ feature for your events;

1 - Go to your event’s page

2 - Click on ‘’Create a form here’’

3 - Click on ‘’Create Questions’’ section on the left and click on ‘’New question’’ button

4 - Write down your question, description of your question and choose your answer type according to it. Answers can be short/long text, single option or multiple options.

5 - If you want to make your questions mandatory to answer for attendees, turn on the ‘’is required’’ option. If you want to add more than one question, click on the ‘’new question’’ button below. 

After you’ve created your questions, you can see and edit them from the menu if you need. 

6 - You can see the answers of your attendees’ on the attendee waitlist menu

‘’Questions’’ feature provides you the convenience to select your audience and to customize your event more effectively. It is an handy tool for your organization process. If you want to learn more about where you can use this feature, visit our blog post here.